Network Data Storage
Network Attached Storage Systems (NAS) are popular in today’s homes, not just for enterprise and small businesses. Not everything fits on the cloud, which can be expensive and slow. Your data can be stored on a faster local scalable low-cost storage solution, on your own network. Stream movies, support email systems, accounting databases, payroll, video recording and editing, data logging, business analytics and more.
A wide variety of modern home and business applications are underpinned by NAS systems.
Of course you can mix and match NAS storage systems and cloud services, optimizing cost, management effort and performance, while allowing complete control over location and security.
Benefits of NAS include:
· Simple to configure with a web-browser interface. · Easy to use, just like an external hard drive. · Easy data backup and recovery, with granular security features. · Centralization of data storage in a safe, reliable way. · Every TV and computer on the network can access your NAS, at the same time.